In the captivating world of “I Became the Lousy Side Top,” the narrative takes readers on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, blending elements of comedy, fantasy, and romance. Authored by the talented trio – Backill, Robo, and Seulki, with Erim’s artistic prowess illuminating the pages, the manga has carved a niche for itself.
Jaewoo’s Tumultuous Journey: From BL Novels to Real-Life Challenges
The story revolves around Seo Jaewoo, who finds himself plunged into the realm of BL novels. But Jaewoo isn’t just a filler character; he’s the lousy side top, destined to vex Yoo Hyeonjin, the story’s main bottom.
As the narrative progresses, Jaewoo’s fate becomes increasingly precarious, especially with the looming threat of Choi Mujin, the story’s main top. Yet, Jaewoo’s ingenious plan, rooted in his belief in the power of food, offers a glimmer of hope.
Chapter 44 Recap: A Whirlwind of Emotions and Revelations
The previous chapter saw tensions rise as Mujin confronts Jaewoo. Their heated exchange reveals Mujin’s ulterior motives, and Jaewoo is left grappling with a myriad of emotions. From Mujin’s unexpected sympathy to Jaewoo’s introspection about his relationship with Hyeonjin, the chapter is a blend of suspense and sentiment.
As Jaewoo returns home, he’s haunted by the events of the day, especially the bruise that might raise questions. Yet, when he finally encounters Hyeonjin, the interaction is surprisingly heartwarming, highlighting the depth of their bond.
Chapter 45 Release: Global Timings
For those eagerly awaiting the next chapter, here are the release timings:
Region/Country | Release Time | Release Date |
Japan | 12:00 AM | Saturday, 2 September 2023 |
Australia | 01:30 AM | Saturday, 2 September 2023 |
Eastern Indonesia | 12:00 AM | Saturday, 2 September 2023 |
Korea | 12:00 AM | Saturday, 2 September 2023 |
Singapore | 11:00 PM | Sunday, 3 September 2023 |
Pacific Time | 07:00 AM | Sunday, 3 September 2023 |
Eastern Europe | 05:00 PM | Sunday, 3 September 2023 |
India | 8:30 PM | Sunday, 3 September 2023 |
Central Europe | 04:00 PM | Sunday, 3 September 2023 |
New York | 10:00 AM | Sunday, 3 September 2023 |
Dive into Chapter 45: Where to Read?
For those keen to delve into the next chapter, it’s available in raw format on platforms like Naver Series, Kakao Page, and Lezhin. English readers can turn to Tappytoon for a translated version.
Closing Thought: “I Became the Lousy Side Top” masterfully intertwines humor, drama, and romance, offering readers a unique experience. As Jaewoo navigates his challenges, the story serves as a testament to the power of resilience, love, and redemption.