In the intricate world of “Duke Pendragon,” the protagonist Raven Valt, once branded a traitor, now seeks redemption. His journey, filled with battles against monsters and personal dilemmas, takes a new turn with the introduction of Eren Pendragon, the heir to the esteemed Principality of Pendragon.
Raven’s Redemption and the Rakshasa Corps
Raven’s association with the notorious “Rakshasa” Corps, known for battling monsters, has been a tumultuous one. Despite the odds, he has endured a decade in a nation where survival beyond a year is a rarity. But his final mission, an encounter with Eren Pendragon, promises more than just freedom—it hints at a destiny intertwined with secrets and revelations.
Eren Pendragon: A Duke with a Vision
As the heir to the Principality of Pendragon, Eren is more than just a title. He’s a visionary, pondering the complexities of land management, population growth, and the unique flavor of beer in his domain.
But beneath these concerns lies a deeper question: How can Pendragon, with its limited population, truly prosper? Eren believes in the power of production and distribution, emphasizing the need for military strength and scientific advancement.
Chapter 93: A Glimpse into Pendragon’s Future
The upcoming chapter delves into the challenges of managing a territory. From the nuances of beer taste to the disparities in population between Pendragon and Leus, Eren is determined to find solutions.
His approach emphasizes equality, advocating for treating immigrants as equals rather than subordinates. As Eren navigates these challenges, his interactions reveal a leader who values both practicality and compassion.
Chapter 93 Release: Global Timings
Region/Country | Release Time | Release Date |
India | 8:30 PM | Thursday, 7 September 2023 |
Central Europe | 5:00 PM | Thursday, 7 September 2023 |
New York | 11:00 AM | Thursday, 7 September 2023 |
Pacific Time | 8:00 AM | Thursday, 7 September 2023 |
Eastern Europe | 6:00 PM | Thursday, 7 September 2023 |
Japan | 12:00 AM | Friday, 8 September 2023 |
Australia | 1:00 AM | Friday, 8 September 2023 |
Eastern Indonesia | 12:00 AM | Friday, 8 September 2023 |
Korea | 12:00 AM | Friday, 8 September 2023 |
Where to Read
For those eager to immerse themselves in the tale, “Duke Pendragon Chapter 78” is available on Kakao Page in its original Korean format. English enthusiasts can explore the story on Tapas.
Closing Thought: “Duke Pendragon” masterfully weaves a narrative of action, adventure, and introspection. As Raven and Eren chart their paths, readers are invited to a world where every decision has consequences, and the future is a tapestry of choices.