The captivating manga, “Return of the SSS-Class Ranker,” is set to unveil its 76th chapter, promising a blend of fantasy, drama, and action. Crafted by the talented trio – Gald, Hojoon, and Pinball, the story revolves around Rokan’s quest for redemption and power in a virtual reality game.
Rokan’s Time-Twisting Redemption
After being humiliated by a formidable guild, Rokan’s achievements in the VR fantasy game are on the brink of being erased. However, a twist in space-time offers him a second chance.
Transported back to a moment just before the game’s commencement, Rokan is presented with an opportunity to rewrite his fate, seek vengeance, and reclaim his title as an SSS-class ranker.
Mysteries and Missions: The Path to Sky Island
Chapter 75 introduced readers to a mysterious figure with peculiar tastes, particularly his desire to consume an Iron Armor Turtle without any seasoning.
This enigmatic individual’s primary objective, however, is to obtain the “CHOZO’S TAIL FEATHER” ticket, a pass to the coveted Sky Island. The significance of this ticket is further highlighted when Taemin, the manga’s protagonist, trades it for the Iron Armored Turtle’s egg.
Sky Island isn’t just a location; it symbolizes power and opportunities. Taemin’s new mission, to bring the flowers of the cosmos to the Land of Resurrection, sets him on a path filled with challenges. The journey to this elusive land, not marked on any map, promises adventure and intrigue.
Race Missions: Adding Layers to the Narrative
The story introduces “Race Missions,” tasks assigned to every race in the novel. These missions, like reviving The Emperor and the Crusader or discovering the Land of Resurrection, add depth to the plot, pushing characters to their limits and driving the narrative forward.
Chapter 76 Release: Global Timings
Eager fans can catch Chapter 76 on the following dates and times:
Region/Country | Time Zone | Release Time & Date |
India | IST | 08:30 PM, Sunday, 17 September 2023 |
Japan | JST | 12:00 AM, Monday, 18 September 2023 |
Korea | KST | 12:00 AM, Monday, 18 September 2023 |
USA | EST | 11:00 AM, Sunday, 17 September 2023 |
UK | GMT | 04:00 PM, Sunday, 17 September 2023 |
Australia | AEST | 01:00 AM, Monday, 18 September 2023 |
Dive into the Adventure
For those keen to immerse themselves in the latest chapter, the raw version is available on Kakao Page. English enthusiasts can find the translated version on Tapas.
Closing Thought: “Return of the SSS-Class Ranker” masterfully weaves mystery, humor, and anticipation, leaving readers yearning for more. As Taemin embarks on his quest to Sky Island, the stakes are higher, and the adventures are bound to be more thrilling. Stay tuned for a roller-coaster of emotions and revelations!