In the thrilling manga “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken,” Chapter 109 took us on an engaging journey within Tempest City. Youm Farmenas and other guests arrived, impressing Rimuru Tempest, the city’s founder, with Youm’s dressing style. Rimuru’s compliment made Youm blush with embarrassment, adding a touch of humor to the story.
The chapter revealed some major news as well. Mjurran is now a full-fledged queen, taking the name Mjur Farmenas after her marriage to Youm. Furthermore, Grucius has become the head of the knight corps, an exciting development for fans.
Rimuru’s Mysterious Envelope
Amidst the celebrations, Rimuru summoned Diabloa, who handed him a mysterious envelope. Later, it was unveiled that the envelope was a gift from Rimuru to Youm, a token of their friendship.
In another momentous turn of events, Youm Farmenas became the king of Fa-er Farmenas, further strengthening his position and influence. Rimuru’s respect among the characters increased as they listened to the contents of the envelope.
The Founder’s Festival and Ancient Ruins
The chapter also teased an upcoming Founder’s Festival and Rimuru’s involvement in it. Yuki, a character awaiting a guide for the festival, is surprised when Rimuru himself offers to be the guide. Additionally, Rimuru learns about Kagal, the Vice-Master, who is involved in investigating ancient ruins, setting the stage for intriguing discoveries.
Alice’s Return
Chapter 109 ended with a thrilling cliffhanger as Rimuru’s ex-student, Alice, makes a dramatic return, attacking Rimuru after a long absence. The whole gang is reunited with their master, promising an exciting encounter in the upcoming Chapter 110.
Chapter 110 – The Awaited Battle
In Chapter 110, the stage is set for exhilarating battles as Rimuru is willing to accept a one-on-one challenge from Alice. However, the condition is that Masayuki enters the battle tournament and emerges as the champion, leading to anticipation and excitement among fans.
Release Date
Mark your calendars for Chapter 110 of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, set to be released on August 4, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. JST.
Country | Date | Time |
US | Friday, August 4 | 8:30 PM |
Canada | Friday, August 4 | 8:30 PM |
India | Friday, August 4 | 6:00 AM |
Australia | Friday, August 4 | 10:30 AM |
Philippines | Friday, August 4 | 8:30 AM |
Japan | Friday, August 4 | 9:30 AM |
South Korea | Friday, August 4 | 9:30 AM |
Where to Read
With battles, reunions, and surprising revelations, Chapter 110 promises to be a thrilling continuation of the Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken series. Stay tuned to Kodansha for the English translation of the chapter and immerse yourself in the captivating world of Rimuru and his adventures!