Hello fellow bloggers! Thanks for showing interest in writing for our site.
Welcome to The Serial Binger!
We are glad to have you on board our site. As you might have already figured out, the main content of our site primarily revolves around Anime and Asian Dramas.
If you are someone who is a lover of Anime or Asian Dramas or both, and want to voice your thoughts and opinions to the world through us, we will more than willing to offer you our credible platform.
Our Reach
- TSB skyrocketed its organic traffic just after 4 months of launch. Currently we host over 80-100k visitors monthly from all over the world, majority of which comes from the USA.
- 98% of our traffic comes from organic clicks on search results.
- We have been able to build massive credibility with the search engine in the anime and drama niche. Some of our recent posts got ranked in just 3-4 days of posting.
What kind of posts do we accept?
We are always craving for posts that are about Anime/Asian Drama:
- Recommendations
- Reviews/ Discussion
- News/ Updates
- And anything that can grab eyeballs
You can always contact us anytime for any of your query and we’ll make sure to guide you on your journey with us.
Note: Your post might be edited for SEO purposes.
When we reject a submission?
When it comes to the content that we allow on our site, we’d like you to follow these guidelines strictly-
- Plagiarism: Keep your content as original as possible. We inspect every submission for plagiarism and if your post is found having stolen content then it will be rejected immediately.
- Explicit Sexual Content: Don’t go overboard in expressing your thoughts. However, mild ecchi stuff is just fine.
- Small Content Length: Search engines like word rich content, so make sure to write high quality content.
Anime/Drama Recommendation : Min 1500 Words
Anime/Drama Review: Min 1000 Words
Anime/Drama News: Min 600 Words
(Exceptions allowed but first discuss it with us) - False Info: Keep your content authentic and don’t add any stuff that is false or not verified.
What’s in it for you?
- Website or Social Account promotion: You get to add a link to your personal website or your social media account.(We don’t allow link backs to sites that we find fishy or illegal)
- Affiliate Link: We allow you to add affiliate links relating to the post. It should not affect the reader’s experience in any way.
- Link to other posts: You are allowed to include links to your other guest posts if you’re a freelance writer.
How to Submit Your Article?
If you are comfortable with the conditions mentioned on this page please submit your article in a .doc attachment on editor@theserialbinger.com
- Our content follows a similar pattern throughout the website. If you look closely we try to maintain a simple readable format. Your article must follow a similar pattern in order to get approved.
- You are free to include photos in the article.
- Your pen name, bio(45 words) and your blog link is accepted
- Include the following text in the email “I agree with the terms of use for submitting an article to The Serial Binger“.
Terms of Use
- The Serial Binger currently does not pay for any of the guest posts.
- After your submission is accepted and published, it becomes the property of The Serial Binger.
- You can not publish the article given to us on any other platform without our approval.
- We are in full authority to edit or remove your submitted post anytime from our site.
- You can not claim for payment or copyright infringement now or in the future.